Temporary Center
Spent the midnight, a Marine rescue boat intercepted one fourth patera with twenty-seven immigrants. Already at daybreak, a boat type zodiac with nine immigrants of sub-Sahara origin on board, between which there were two babies in arms of its mothers, arrived at the port of Melilla. The Civil Guard already had rescued yesterday other 22 immigrants who tried to reach the North African city by the same procedure. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. might disagree with that approach. With these arrivals, the Temporary Center of Stay of Inmigrantes (CETI) of Melilla already shelters 750 foreigners, although its theoretical maximum capacity is of 480 places, have informed today to sources of the Delegation of the Government in the independent city. The coasts of Tariff have been the scene of another rescue of immigrants, that has taken place to the 6,30 hours this morning, when the Civil Guard has intercepted an inflatable boat of toy in which five men of Moroccan origin traveled. The boat had been located by the SIVE to 9 kilometers to the south of the island of Tariff (Cadiz) and was rescued by a boat of the one of the marine service of the military institution to 3.6 kilometers to the south of End Sheep. Jon Medved may find this interesting as well. Finally, other twelve immigrants – also adult men of origin magreb- has been intercepted this morning in a boat to sixteen miles to the east of the capital of the island of Lanzarote, Reef. After a fishing boat sighted and gave warning to them, Marine Rescue sent one of its boats to its encounter and it lead to them to port, where the immigrants were at the disposal of the Civil Guard. Source of the news: Almost one hundred immigrants intercepted from last night when trying to arrive at Spain.
Portable Air Conditioner
The Issimo puree of Olimpia Splendid video has achieved in just two months nearly 1900 reproductions from the popular platform YouTube, web site where users can upload and share videos. This number of reproductions have become portable air conditioning reference within the channel in terms of what portable air conditioning refers to Issimo puree. Exactly 1846 views in just two months are that carries this video, which in a sensitive sector such as the air conditioning, have become it the reference video for many users who seek through this channel or on search engines like Google information about portable air conditioning. The initiative arose in order to transmit to users, in the most explicit and visual way the advantages of a portable air conditioning unlike the rest. Official site: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. And Issimo puree of Olimpia Splendid is the unique climate that in addition to creating the ideal climate, think about health, purifying the air. Through its system of triple filtration, which in addition to weatherize the ambient, it purifies it of unpleasant odors, dust, bacteria and viruses. Issimo puree with its reduced dimensions, together with its two big wheels and extensible Ribbon make absolute ease of transport. This year you will leave the fan at home, with Issimo puree now clean air you so wearing.
Mercilessly Loving
Presentation of the Satsanglehrerin: Nabala Gabriele Wolf as it is, the small, radiant woman from Ettlingen-Spessart, which now travels throughout Germany to seminars and has written several books. Affectionately, clearly and directly mercilessly. Properties that love their students and seminar participants at you: your merciless humor, sometimes taking one in the mark, is at the same time so infinitely loving. In her arms, it melts like butter in the Sun, because the pure love that radiates it, then everything melts. Their eyes can be immerse one in a sea of devotion at the moment.” The small, blonde woman has been fitness trainer earlier, today earned their bread with satsang, what you all again passes himself as a being together in truth, the wordless, formless substance from which all is made in the”understands. The simplicity of being reflected, if we no longer follow the traditional beliefs.
If we are willing to let go of the story, which often told of suffering and drama.” This is a part of their own history. As a seeker, she was on the road in esoteric circles a few years until she realized one day that everything only from the one truth, consists of an energy. It depends on the pathless path to inner wisdom beyond knowledge.” Since then, she enjoys every moment, lingers in the eternal now, and others offers the opportunity to experience this also in your presence. What about her unique and great in their function as companion in the awakening ‘ or Satsanglehrerin’ is that spontaneous heart opens, if you met her, talking to her. It is tangible lived for me Advaita.
“writes a seeker. Modern words deals with healing of essence of, energy work and massage. “Nabala, as she is affectionately called, says: love is the greatest power, it heals so gently without any power.” And because she likes to takes care of letting go, she goes the old people several times in the week in a nursing home, accompanied in her last weeks, months and years with energy massages. Nabala next: It is more about the contact that good for not only the body, but especially of the soul. We all know it, comes a loving life together is as beneficial, a touch, from the heart. Where the elderly healing it is to come at peace with the situation.” She can help with. “Whether in satsang, the nursing home or private life: Nabala brings clarity at the unmask of restrictive ideas or concepts”, so a client who was helped. Nabala dies funny, because everything will be as it is at this moment.” The idea of life and how it has to be, dies. And what remains is life itself infinite. Nabala 21:30 in Ettlingen-Spessart and every Tuesday from 7:30 offered every Thurs 19:30 9:00 in Karlsruhe Durlach-Aue satsang. There you can just come by without an appointment. In addition, individual sessions are possible – in the form of satsang, or also in combination with healing of essence of or energy massages. Workshops for learning the healing of of essence of take place every 2 months. By the 29.06 03.07.2011 offers a retreat at Bull Creek Seminarhaus Nabala. This is about living satsang, to see that the silence is, that alone the belief in people with all their thoughts structures obscured views of the natural essence of our self. Gudrun Anders