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Posted by on October 17, 2021 (Comments Closed)as

But I would like to infect the idea that the failure is a teacher done and straight. An inflexible, puntilloso teacher who sets out to teach valuable things to us for our good. He imposes challenges and the sometimes hardest tests to us that to happen for which not always we are preparations. But something we discovered with him is our incredible speed to learn. And we learn much, very fast although sometimes we must appear to render the same examination time and time again. It is that there are lessons that cost to us to learn. There are things that we do not want to see and then when we make trap, when we make the view fat or without we became sabelotodos, the life not us it allows to deceive to us. It sends quickly us to the failure so that we learn of a good time and the best thing than can happen to us in these cases is humbly to accept the slogan to review, to study to approve and to continue.

Before these hard observations of the life, before these full aplazos, many people tend to remain with desmoralizaci n, the negatividad of the experiences and downhill continue generally committing the same errors or leaving the race. Instead of to accept humbly the indication to study, they adopt an acid attitude and they expire, mistaking his steps and delaying or postponing his objectives. Also it happens that distance is taken from the perpetrador: those studies, those emprendimientos are avoided, people, places that activate the painful memory of the failure. This attitude of course prevents to recompose, to eliminate, to redesign what it is necessary to redesign to leave the error and to obtain perceptions righter than they lead to righter actions. The failure is an episode in the life. It is a mark with a meaning.