Jaime Mayor Oreja

Posted by on June 20, 2020as , ,

Aznar’s ex-Minister is entered at the Ruber clinic in Madrid. The State of health of the MEP is not serious, according to family sources. Greater ear was treated from a traumatic brain injury. The PP Jaime major Oreja MEP remains under observation at the Clinica Ruber international Madrid where is served the bruises he suffered Tuesday at falling from a bicycle when it was circulating in the area of monte Abantos, in the vicinity of El Escorial. Sources close to the PP leader said that Mayor Oreja has fallen bicycle going through a bump in the road, which has caused several injuries, although his condition is not serious. Larger ear has been treated at first instance in the Hospital of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, but has later been transferred at his own request at the Ruber clinic, where expected stay entered tonight at watching. Sources have been reminded that Mayor Oreja customary bike ride two or three days a week and runs about 60 miles each time. Source of the news: Jaime Mayor Oreja is entered in a Madrid clinic after a bike crash.