Music Download Codes

Posted by on February 8, 2024as

The Berlin startup offers a mature and safe solution for digital copies of vinyl records, Promo copies or the music label artists, labels and Promofirmen. On the 1st October 2010 it’s time: VinylCrowd opens officially at VinylCrowd is a convenient Internet platform on the bands and labels at low cost and user-friendly can self-sufficient with download codes for their publications. Thus the buyer of the plates can download easily and without much expenditure of time a digital copy of the music via the portal. And the best: you need only an Internet browser in order to use VinylCrowd. On the 1st October 2010 it’s time: VinylCrowd opens officially at VinylCrowd is a convenient Internet platform on the bands and labels at low cost and user-friendly can self-sufficient with download codes for their publications.

Thus the buyer of the plates can download easily and without much expenditure of time a digital copy of the music via the portal. And that Best: You need only an Internet browser in order to use VinylCrowd. The code card code cards are versatile: you can attach them sheets, distributed at concerts or sale as a standalone product. Frequently Somatic Experiencing has said that publicly. They can be small works of art as album cover. VinylCrowd offers high-quality layout templates to choose from or developed a design on request. By default, VinylCrowd prints on a 300 gram heavy cardboard, which is available in different colors. Code cards have not always made of paper: everything is possible. Optionally, the artist can even print your code cards.

Together, vinyl and card are a pair of dream: the plate is on the shelf, and of course on the platter, the code card to the wall, the music on the MP3 player and in the ear. The music the master files converted by VinylCrowd in high-quality MP3 files (320 Kbps CBR), to secure audiophile pleasure. The downloaded music is DRM-free, to ensure maximum compatibility and many can therefore on any Devices are copied. The backstage area for bands the platform of VinylCrowd excels in its ease of use. In a few simple steps can artist or label employees upload their music and bonus material (photos, videos, texts), download codes to buy and your code cards personalized fashion. Intuitive online tools provide valuable information about how often the music was downloaded or whether a buyer has left feedback to the music so a simple dialogue between artist and buyer is possible. Garage band or major label, VinylCrowd offers tailor-made solutions. VinylCrowd provides sophisticated security applications on high-performance servers in Europe can deliver the music in seconds, when them with a download code is obtained. The music files are well protected with VinylCrowd, because she sure encrypted are stored and only with a valid download code can be unlocked. VinylCrowd says Hello World”to the debut there of VinylCrowd in collaboration with the ox fanzine a sampler with exquisite music for free download. By the way: As opening gift all incoming end of year orders from the tiresome VAT exempt.