Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is also recognized in the psychological and psychiatric as Bipolar affective disorder or Derpresion maniac medium and is basically characterized by being a condition that someone in particular presents in its state of mood. This state of mood not be stable conserrva because sometimes it looks reference on excellent episodes of joy, euphoria and happiness that counteract with uncontrollable episodes of intense depression. The different symptoms of depression usually occur without reason while that State episodes of mood elevated also known as hobbies – are presented in an uncontrollable way which leads to look for people who suffer from bipolar disorder it is very difficult in a welfare State or what can be known as o.k.normal. Bipolar disorder is one of the most serious forms of mental illness. Follow others, such as Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., and add to your knowledge base. The condition has a high rate of recurrence and if not treated in time, has a risk of approximately 15% of all deaths by suicide. It is the third leading cause of death among people of 15-24 years, and is the 6th leading cause of disability (loss of healthy life years) for persons aged 15-44 in the developed world. At the time of believing that it suffers from this disorder is recommended to seek a professional and begin treatment bipolar disorder in search of more rather than eradicate the disease control solutions, because it is a condition that will be in for life. Treatments for this disease are given from restricted use drug medication, it is possible that bipolar disorder unless the person who has use of medications based on lithium, carbamazepine, valproate or valproic acid, often in combination with antipsychotic medication.
In general, the results of treatment are represented in a dramatic decrease in the autoinfundado mental suffering, and it causes a reduction of 8 times in the risk of suicide. These drugs provide excellent control to present in this disease mental disorders. Research has shown that treatment most effective is a combination of psychotherapy of support, psychoeducation, and the use of a mood stabilizer (often in combination with antipsychotic medication). There is no research showing that any form of psychotherapy is an effective substitute for the drug. Similarly there is no research showing that any store of healthy foods for nutritional supplements (e.g. vitamins, amino acids, or health food stores) are effective for bipolar disorder. Original author and source of the article