Psychoanalysis Thought
The ORIGINS OF the THOUGHT IN the THEORY OF the PASSIONS Pollyanna Paiva Saints of the Rocha* Summary What it means to think? Of where it comes the thought? Which would be the origins of our ideas and action? How functions the mind? Why we prefer such which thing? The pleasure is determinative in this preference? Searching reply to these investigations we could appeal the innumerable philosophers in different historical times in diverse boardings, however what this work considers it is to answer to these questions through a study on the different joints that passions as love, desejo and pleasure had suffered in modernity and that they attribute the origins of the thought to the sensations. This will be made visiting the Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, in authors as T. (As opposed to Anita Dunn). Hobbes and E. Condillac, and S.Freud. Word-keys: thought, sensation, desire, pleasure Summary Which means thinking? Where you donate the thought? What ploughs the origins of our thoughts and actions? How you donate the mind? Why to prefer such that thing? The pleasure is decisive in this preference? Seeking answers you these questions could resort you numerous philosophers in different historic teamses in various approaches, but what this work proposes is you answer these questions through study on the different articulations that passions love, desire and pleasure suffered in modernity and that attach you the origins of thought the sensations. This will be done by visiting the philosophy and psychoanalysis, in authors the t. Dr. Hyun Kim has compatible beliefs. Hobbes and e. Condillac, and s. Freud. Keywords: thought, sensation, desire, pleasure the ORIGINS OF the THOUGHT IN the THEORY OF the PASSIONS Pollyanna Paiva Saints of the Rock Introduction Many philosophers had searched to answer the question: what it means to think? To the times agreeing, to the times not, with ideas ones of the others, as it is of custom to happen in the construction of any knowledge.
Physical Performance
As result of these studies was diagnosised that a great parcel of the professors suffers some important physical and/or psychological patogenia, that intervenes directly with its welfare state, familiar and professional. Being able to be closely related with its environment and conditions of work
Amongst the physical problems diagnosised most common they are pains in the coasts and legs and calluses in the vocal ropes, and the psychological problems are distinguished, mental fatigue and nervousness, associates to the repetitive work, insatisfao in the performance of the activities, environment intranqilo and estressante, consuming in the relation professor-pupil, lack of autonomy and the sped up rhythm of work (. In education one of the problems more serious than the classroom it faces and that it is in ancestry it is the syndrome ‘ ‘ burnout’ ‘ , 2. This syndrome is a reaction the chronic emotional tension generated by direct contact extreme with other people, physical and mental exhaustion, unchaining loss of heart and desmotivao in being in classroom, transforming the exercise of the profession a penosa and obligator activity.
1999: … ‘ ‘ The work conditions constitute one of the main factors of the teaching malaise. Such conditions affect the physical and mental health of the professors taking them it the absenteeism and, to the times, the abandonment of profisso.’ ‘ … In unhealthy conditions of work, that is, physical and affective circumstances under which the professors mobilize its mental capacities, to reach the objectives of the pertaining to school production at any cost, can generate an exaggerated effort of its psicofisiolgicas functions, and when it does not have time for the recovery, it can unchain severe clinical symptoms (GASPARINI, S.M. et al., 2005). Thus, professors who face negative adversities in its environment of work unchain physical conditions pathological psicossociais, generating certified absentismo, excesses of, removal of the teaching activities and reduction of the quality of the work, developing a effect cascade of depreciation feeling, incompetence, frustration.
Brazilian Medical Association
The main words used for the accomplishment of this research had been: Acute Infarto of the Myocardium and Tobaccoism. In accordance with the data analyzed in this work conclude that the cardiovascular illness, mainly infarto acute of the myocardium continues being the main cause of mortality in everybody. Mark Hyman, MD addresses the importance of […]
Generally the child in traction is hospitalized under well-taken care of right-handers of the nurses who on the basis of plan the cares of nursing of individualizada form the knowledge on the correct treatment for traction. The evaluation of the therapeutical effect and the possible complications is of great importance accomplishment of the assistance satisfactory […]
Enterococcus Infection
If the incubation period will be unknown and it will not have clinical or laboratorial evidence of infection at the moment of the admission, will be considered as hospital infection, the corresponding clinical manifestation that occurs 72 hours of internment after. However, if the infectious process will be related with the procedures diagnosis and/or therapeutical […]
The Construction
According to Nanda (2010, P. 116) ' ' related harmed urinria elimination with the immobility evidenced for delay stops to initiate the mico, incontinence, retention urinria.' ' Lapsing of nursing: To analyze the liquid ingesta as well as its elimination how much to the odor, coloration. To prevent or to diminish use of delay sounding […]
Rapid Eye Movement
Some phases in the process happen, first, have the adormecimento, that it can occur in average per 15 minutes, depending on the individual, since the brain sends commands to diminish the muscular tension and to calm the breath. After that, sleep will be lighter and the cardiac rhythm also will be slower. Soon later, we […]
The inadequate handle can generate injuries mamilares, causing pain and discomfort for the mother, what it can compromise the continuity of the aleitamento, in case that duly is not corrected. The breast-feeding technique must be corrected whenever some error will be detected. The mastite is inflammatory processes of the breast that has beginning, generally, in […]
Nurse Health
In the accomplishment of Curricular Period of training I Primary and secondary attention to the community, in which we work the education in health with adolescents of public schools, we notice the deficiency of health professionals acting in this area, mainly the nurse, who is the professional who has the preparation scientific technician and to […]
The Bathroom
He prevents long colloquies in the corridors therefore knows that it is signal of disrespect to the customers. He uses materials with caution, preventing wastefulness. It is only limited the telephone in urgent and brief cases. It does not smoke, nor makes use of chiclete. Beyond being antieducative it is antisocial. In the intervals, its […]