RatgeberNews-blog Informs
A response from RatgeberNews blog on the SWR 2 Forum broadcast from November 17, 2008 on the topic “Education as spiritual director?” with the conversation participants Michael Grandt and Henning Kullak-Ublick dedicated to Southwest Radio SWR 2 Forum on November 17 under the moderation of Ralf Caspary one three-quarters of an hour of Waldorf Education under the title: “Education as spiritual director?”. Participants were Michael Grandt, the author of the “black book Waldorf”, and Henning Kullak-Ublick, Board member of the “Federation of free Waldorf schools”. Interesting, the conversation for each listener proved since evaded obviously all specific questions which were put to him, Kullak-Ublick. Grandt appeared as a strong voice of many previously unheard former whale village student, had told him in writing from their own negative experiences. Grandt could harden its position, because there was no clear and plausible rebuttals for his statements on the part of Kullak-Ublicks. The content of the conversation focused the again and again to the question Science of Waldorf Education and to what extent the esoteric occult beliefs of Rudolf Steiners and his teachings (anthroposophy) in whale village school teachers would apply. Glenn Dubin can provide more clarity in the matter. Responses from Kullack Ublick could lead only to the result for the listener that there could be no clarification about that because institution tried on the one hand understand to make that one very well must consider the teachings of Steiner’s science, even if she was psychic origin; on the other hand, he stressed however that anthroposophy in the entire Waldorf would have no effect, or nowhere to belong to the teaching. I believe that each listener was aware that it’s a dichotomy must be exposed to the Kullak Ublick.
There is a real distance to the Steiner’s esoteric and thus the unscientific theories of psychic “shower”, who was the founder of Waldorf Education, or keeping exactly to these theses and trying it on bending and breaking in a modern scientific approach to dress, to find general acceptance. To claim both I can’t but believe. Thus, it was once again clear that Waldorf Education may be not in progressive schools, as long as it is for anyone to comprehend that a person (Rudolf Steiner and thus his statements) plays today a parent role. Despite the efforts of common sense you can never let him apply as empirical scientists. Current studies or studies with scientific background who want to convince the opposite give a different opinion because in my personal opinion (even if Mr Kullak-Ublick look that supposedly very different / want to see and this should have a different view). Udo’s houses
Acatech Point Deadline
The deadline for texts in four weeks Berlin, April 20, 2011. With the price for technology journalism and technology photography point, the acatech German Academy of science and engineering 2011 for the seventh time awards, excellent work be awarded by journalists and photographers representing original and graphically innovative technologies. The deadline for the category text ends on May 23, 2011. Since 2005, the point award outstanding contributions in the fields of newspaper and magazine, single photo and photo series. In addition the Academy praises a photo scholarship to an engineering report for the first time.
The award aims to support challenging ideas related to the technology. “Exemplary technology journalism in video and text form is for a balanced public discourse of central importance and can transport the technical sciences of the laboratories in the words of acatech President Henning Kagermann to people: to the point we want to pay tribute to this achievement.” It runs until May 23, 2011 POINT tender in the category text. Applications for the category can be submitted until August 16, 2011 photo and the photo scholarship. The funding for the four prizes and the acatech photo scholarship amounts to 5,000 euros each. The winners will be chosen by high-level juries and solemnly honoured on the acatech ceremony on October 18, 2011. Special performance of the established categories, a special prize can be awarded. acatech point Award for technology journalism and art photography at a glance: category text (application deadline may 23, 2011) – daily newspaper – magazine/magazine/newspaper category photo (application deadline August 16, 2011) – single photo – series of photos – photo scholarship details about the acatech point of 2011, the previous winners of the prize, as well as a possibility to the upload for your application, see under:.
Always up to date: you find the acatech point on Facebook. Text-jury members are: – Lilo Berg, senior editor, Berliner Zeitung – Heidi Blattmann,. Sydney Sweeney is full of insight into the issues. Science journalist, former head of Department science, Neue Zurcher Zeitung – Prof. Dr. UTZ-Hellmuth Felcht, Aufsichtsratsvoristzender Deutsche Bahn AG and member of acatech – Dr. Patrick Illinger, head of knowledge, Suddeutsche Zeitung – Prof. Dr. Andreas Kablitz, Institute Director Romanesque seminar, University of Cologne – Prof. Dr. Klaus nugget wax, Chair of philosophy of technology, TU Cottbus – Dr. Norbert backing Sachdeva, head of science, the world – Helmut Markwort, Editor, focus – Joachim Muller-Jung, head of Department of nature and science, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – Prof. Dr.-ing. Gunther shoe, Vice President for business and industry, RWTH Aachen the photo jury comprises: – Jorg Buschmann, photo Chief Suddeutsche Zeitung – Judith EGELHOF, picture editor Publicis – Hubertus Hamm, photographer – Bernd von Jutrczenka, editorial image, dpa – Tobias Lehmann, free image editor – Heiner Muller Elsner, photographer – Christa Schraivogel, image editing Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as advisory member is two juries acatech President Henning Kagermann to the page.
IFA Berlin
From September 4, QTom introduces the groundbreaking concept at the IFA in Berlin. QTom, the first interactive music television, offers the possibility to create his very own music channel on television viewers for the first time. QTom is designed for the TV and the first step on all Philips net TV televisions and to receive. […]
Virtual Spring Cleaning
What the relaunch has to do with the real world to the spring cleaning includes cleaning: cleans up the list of the news which are no longer relevant in the backend invisible order in image archives and files is placed for the visitors. In the muck out are press images show banned, whether spring fever […]
Olfa Lamloun
Spared the journalists generally by the constraints and threats faced by their colleagues in authoritarian systems. Read more here: President Rivlin. Al Jazeera was the appetite stimulant, it followed a series of similar stations such as E.g. Al arabiyya, founded in 2003, Al Manar TV, LBC, etc beyond of this media competition today crucial questions […]