In the age of Aquarius Pisces basic concept of humanity was the concept of Faith. Age of Pisces was the epoch of the Faith. That is why before and emerged in the era of Pisces are so many different religious teachings, world religions and sects, each of which claims to be the true faith. In the Age of Aquarius will be a fundamental concept of friendship. Click Pat Ogden for additional related pages. In the Age of Aquarius friendship is stronger than all other types of human communication.
Strong love that can pass more of the Faith, in which You can be disappointed, etc. Joey King wanted to know more. True Friendship in the Age of Aquarius is above all. People need to be friends for real: friendship with God (absolute), as all true friends do for each other and always help each other, should friends, husband and wife – not to be partners in marriage, but to be real friends or enemies. Parents need to be friends with their children, teachers – with pupils, heads with subordinates, physicians, patients, people – with the state and people – with animals and people of other worlds, etc. But friendship should be a real, true and loyal, true, and not the business or partnership, friendship disguised or hidden animosities. Aquarius – – dual mark Zodiac. He pours a vibrant, spiritual, water and the dead, spiritless (materialistic).
And friendship will be true of highly spiritual people or fake in , materialistic people. Home commandment Age of Aquarius: Be Friend of God and all the inhabitants of the earth and the universe. In the Age of Aquarius by one of the main priorities of mankind will be the development of the fundamental (primarily) and applied science, new knowledge and technologies, including those created by not only human beings but also with extraterrestrial beings and representatives of parallel worlds, or transmitted to people unearthly scientific knowledge and technology. Learn new terrestrial and extraterrestrial knowledge and technology. Develop your Intelligence and participate in the development of science and the search for new truths and knowledge. Become a friend of the alien and the representative of a parallel world. Create the future together with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and the parallel worlds.
The search in this study on Freud has as objective co-to relate the society being searched to answer questions of social matrix under the perspective of the Psychoanalysis. Freud affirms that ' ' we see in the animals all the forms of perversion petrified in organization sexual' ' , amongst these the relations between the development of the civilization and the repression of the instincts where the main contributing elements being hypothesis of horda primeva and the death of the primitive father, hypothesis this developed from ideas that a wild structure tells where a hostile father withheld the power of the group banishing the children the measure where these if developed the point to dispute the females and its place in the group. The search of clarifications and study concerning the phase of the definitive adolescence and as if adolescent door in the school was what the necessity of this permeou, has seen that the school for many adolescents of the current society if becomes the limitor of desires and the socializador of one determined group, where the respect if makes necessary, and hierarquizado being that the families and the deriving adolescents of one familiar desestruturao has in the school a space reverse speed-to become social has seen that many are proven excluidos and many acquitted times dentor and are of the school. Many times the exclusions happen for the individual if not to adjust the rules of the school and the group, and thus many times this search to be a different being of what it is really, the many times nor really know who are. Many sources afflict the adolescent one of them and its body that passes for a series of changes that are not under the control of its proper will and that they demand of it a readjustment to this new body that it still is unaware of.