Wellness Hotel Odhof Bodenmais

Posted by on September 28, 2024as ,

Natural cosmetics Department with Dr. Hauschka products with exclusive natural cosmetics Department, with the renowned Dr. Hauschka products works, presents itself to the Spa Hotel odhof from one particular side. Quickly, rapidly and often quite unintelligible everyday life presents the people. Like a roller coaster on the hustle and bustle, it is fraught with ups and downs and and inserts a looping.

But like a roller coaster for the nerves of people is so versatile and adventurous, well once the everyday life is so hard. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE may not feel the same. He draws on personal energy, in the power, but also in the heart and leaves its mark. In natural cosmetics, guests can turn off Department in the wellness hotel odhof, which works with the recognised and highly acclaimed Dr. Joel Courtney wanted to know more. Hauschka products. Stylish and well cared for, you can let yourself fall and indulge in the soothing scents and the pleasant heat. After an extensive renovation the natural cosmetics is Department in the odhof ceremonially opened on December 19, 2009 and the numerous Presented to guests. There is a touch of modernity, but also a pinch of adventure that seems to float on the occasion of the opening by the odhof, and presents the views of the people in a beautiful manner.

Due to the overall concept of the House hand was created but not only in the Spa. The new natural cosmetics Department adheres to its well-tried concept of odhof and follows a line that could hardly be more promising and more natural. In the focus of the new Department, the high-quality Dr. Hauschka are products that as creations of WALA Heilmittel GmbH nationally and internationally could make a name and now play with the senses of guests, pampered and should also reward. All products that are used in the new area of the odhofs, consist of pure natural products and promise not only an excellent quality, but also an individual tolerance. Guests can indulge in the new and modern designed range of a beautician, by Dr. Hauschka was trained and the numerous products therefore knows like the back of her own hand. Also in the other wellness and beauty areas, trained professionals who play with the human senses with their skills and their ideas at the same time also await the guests. The newly established cosmetics rooms present an appealing nice panorama, which could hardly be more versatile, but also individual. In addition to the natural nail design the guests in the odhof on numerous other new treatments can enjoy, which meet the concept of the House.